Civil Engineering
We’ll keep you on track
Ensuring your assets are structurally sound and well-maintained is important as the implications can be far-reaching. However, at times you may wonder how you should go about doing that due to their size, shape, environment or location. Since we were established in 1981 we have gained significant international multi-industry experience carrying out inspections on office buildings, piles, housing, shopping centres and and bridges.

We have worked on inspecting the internals of a wide variety of rail structures - bridges, tunnels, abuttments, culverts as well as rail vehicles using from simple borescopes, to ROVS and sonar technology. For the tunnel vent shafts we avoid man entry, deploying cameras and laser scanning equipment so the engineers get a full 3D model of the structure.

We have many years experience of working on water assets - pipelines, wellls, resevoirs, storage tanks - Inspectahire has a wide range of inspection technologies and competencies for assisting in the inspection of such valuable societal assets.

Having the ability to deploy key hole surgery techniques allows engineers to gain an insight into what is going on inside bridges, from the survey of post tension structures, such as the iconic Skye Bridge, through to showing where the crown of bridges have failed; we have decades of experience of surveying such assets. We can provide instruments through to confined space drones for the internals and cameras and ROV's for the foundations.

Buildings come in all shapes and sizes, some ancient and historic through to new builds. All present challenges that engineers and architiects etc. try to understand, such as how they are actually built, or how extensive a problem is. Our miniature inspection instruments allow us to look into these structures with minimal additional damage so that knowledge is gained.

The road networks cover the country and incorporate many structures such as culverts, bridges, elevated sections and Inspectahire are called in to assist engineers and inspectors to better understand how these things are behaving and if remediaition is required.