Power Lines
Power Generation
Power Generation
Power lines are seen through out the country and Inspectahire provides the engineers who look after this critical network with thermal cameras to check for hotspots, either from the ground our from thermal cameras mounted on drones. Our keyhole engineering also enables us to run CCTV systems down underground tunnels where power cables are hidden from view.
Asset owners, commissioning engineers have to comply with Environmental and HSE regulations and our technologies and services can ensure your compliance.
Our range of OGI cameras inluding those for SF6 and other VOC's are a practical tool for locating emissions. This technology is deployed to survey both main power plant and external sub stations.
Our technicians use a number of different UAV's to carry out visual and IR surveys of many tall structures such as pylons and masts. We have extensive experience of using these devices both on and offshore as well as in Europe and the Middle East where conditions can be very challenging to operate such technology.
Ultrasonic Testing is one of the NDT Services that can be provided by Inspectahire. We have a range of UT instruments - ATEX / Waterproof / and even bespoke for the differing applications our clients have.
Verifying the thickness of metal and its condition is widely required throughout the power generation industry and its affiliates.
Probes can be deployed by our technicians or mounted onto mechanised deployment devices and now even by drone.
Thermal cameras (IR cameras) have found to be very useful for condition monitoring of power lines and accessories non invasivley, such that the surveyor can "see" hot spots or areas of over heating from a safe distance.
The technology can be deployed on the gound or utilising drones and helicopters for extended length surveys.
Contact our technical team for all enquiries. Our teams are here to help and ready to provide friendly advice on all aspects of inspection projects.