The PMI-MASTER Smart portable optical emission spectrometer

The PMI-MASTER Smart portable optical emission spectrometer
The PMI-MASTER Smart is the only truly portable high performance OES analyser on the market, delivering analysis of key elements, rapid material verification, PMI and metal sorting. Accurately analyse elements at the lowest limits of detection, such as phosphorous, sulfur, boron and carbon. Capable of measuring the carbon content across different steel grades and the nitrogen content of duplex steels, the PMI-MASTER Smart’s fast start-up times supports PMI safety inspection and flow accelerated corrosion analysis (FAC) across your facility.
- Reliable low detection levels for C, P, S, B, As, Sn in low alloy stainless steel, and N in duplex steels.
- Simple re-calibration and stable measurements even with temperature changes.
- Measure elements, including C and Si, from hot surfaces up to 300°C.
- ExTOPE Connect cloud services and customisable report generator.
- Share results remotely and export data easily.
- Multi-CCD optics in Paschen-Runge mounting with optimized pixel resolution.
- Wavelength range: 185-672nm.
- Internal computer unit with touch screen interface.